Luxe for Less - Channing Walnut Desk

I'm currently in the process of looking for a desk for my master bedroom.
When I saw this desk from Jonathan Adler, I fell in love, but the price gave me sticker shock.
Heck I'm still shocked every time I see the price, Can you imagine $2,750.00 for a desk???

I went looking a desk with the same lines and to my surprise I located one at Walmart.  Got to love the mart.
And the price - $149?  Isn't that fantastic?


  1. wow--walmart is coming up!

    ps-i'm not normally one for music on blogs (due to how it slows loading down and switches songs when you want to comment), but you have THE JAMS playing on here!! Intro & BBD???? Memories . . . . :)

  2. Yeah the walmart decor folks are working overtime. I did debate about putting on the playlist on my blog. I'm happy you liked the music, they sure brought me back to my old college days. I think I just dated myself. :)


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