Updating a Powder Room - Part II

Last year I decided to update my powder room, well heck I was forced to.  Are you just a little curious as to why I was forced to?  If you're slightly interested or nosy like me check out my earlier post here.

My powder room started out like this.

It currently looks like this

I decided to paint the room chocolate brown since the tiles were white and I've always wanted a brown room.  You'll notice that I reused the mirror and just sprayed it white. 

I'm still not finished... right now that makes three unfinished projects but who the heck is counting.

I think I'm off to great start, what do you think?


  1. Go you! Bold color choice. I love it! I really wanted to do my powder bath in black and my husband FREAKED at the idea. I think with all white fixtures and linen, black would be a gorg contrast.

  2. Cara, black in a powder bath is fabulous... did you see the bathroom in the online magazine Lonny. It was fabulous!

  3. Not sure if it's the same one, but the idea came from a bathroom done in black imperial trellis wallpaper. I die. It was gorgeous.


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