Living Room - Mood Board

My twin sister is planning to redo her living room and I'm currently creating three mood boards so give her different ideas that she can choose from.  Below is the first of three.

1. This desk is a perfect size for the room and with the stainless steel legs it brings some contemporary design to the space.

2. I featured this sunburst mirror in a Luxe of Less post.  For the small price of $40 it certainly delivers a big bang for the buck and it's freaking fabulous.

3. This small side table is also very affordable and with the open shelf she can store her some of numerous baking books.  She's a heck of a baker and I do love her vanilla rum, oatmeal, raisin cookies. They're to die for, can't you just taste them?

4. Two of these lounge chairs with their clean lines will compliment the room and would provide timeless pieces of furniture that can work in many different decorating styles.

5. Instead of a traditional coffee table, this coffee table will provide texture to the room and could double as seating in a pinch.

6. This transitional sofa will work well in any room and with its down seating will be great place to cuddle, read a book or look up cake recipes on cake central.

7. Awww, silk drapes, they would provide a bit of luxury to room. I think every room needs a bit of luxury and these deliver while also adding more texture.

8. Isn't this rug beautiful?  Even with its geometric pattern it's not busy and will ground the room.

9.  Every room needs a little art, and these pieces deliver serious impact without being overwhelming.

10. I'm a sucker for lighting and this chandelier would be perfect, it's pure eye candy.  You know this is going to be conversation piece.

So what do you think, do you like any of these pieces?


  1. i love the desk, but more importantly, how cool is it that you have a twin sister????

  2. Dayka, I like the desk too, I'm contemplating purchasing one. Yeah it's great having a twin, she's really my BFF. Twins run in my mom's side of the family. My aunt and uncle also have a set of twins. Good thing for me, it skips a generation so if the rumors are true, my kids will have twins. Better them than me.... hahahaha

  3. Hi Michelle, first off, I love your blog! This is my first time posting and I have a question about that fabulous Abaca coffee table. How does one go about cleaning it, and do you think it might absorb stains? I've got a 10 year old with butter fingers when it comes to spilling juice, but I must have that table!

  4. Hi Anonymous, Thanks for checking out my blog. I don't actually have that table in my home. I love that table too, maybe you get a piece of glass cut for the top, the glass will protect it from "buttter fingers". :)


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