Design in a Bag

Designing a bathroom or kitchen sometimes can be very daunting. No one wants to spend thousands of dollars on a remodel only to hate the tile or the cabinets once the remodel is complete.  Yup you definitely don't want that.

If you are considering a kitchen or bath remodel and you're on the fence or stuck on what you actually want, check out Design in a Bag.  The site has many pre-made bags that you can choose from or you can purchase a custom one and the cost is very minimal.

Above are different design templates from Design in a Bag.  Even if you choose not to buy a kit, it's a great place for design inspiration.  Take a look and tell me what you think, isn't that a great idea?


  1. wow, that's a REALLY good idea! i like the stuff you find/post for your blog. :)

  2. Thanks Dayka, I thought it was a really great idea.

  3. Looking forward to finding out who won! Thanks for posting about us and featuring a giveaway!
    -Rebekah, Design in a Bag and Kitchenlab


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