Still Around

Hello Blogland,

Yup I'm still here, I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I made a post.

It's been crazy busy around here..

My job has went into overdrive and has been kicking my butt.

My baby went to prom

I received a blast email from HGTV and guess whose room was featured... Mine.... Yippee!!

I finally broke down and bought my birthday gift with my birthday money and it was on SALE for half price.... I've fallen in love with Coach again ... I'm loving that Chevron pattern. 

Summer is in full swing... I celebrated by buying myself some shoes from Target and the best part is they were $15, aren't they cute???

Being a single parent with two kids and a full time job is always challenging and now I have taken in a teenager who was getting physically abused in her home (not all people are meant to be parents).  I've been slightly (okay a lot) overwhelmed and I need to find some balance in my life.  How do you deal with busy times in your life without becoming overwhelmed?

Is anyone watching Design Star?  I think they finally have a great pool of designers to choose from, they are off to a great start.


  1. good page! Glad to hear from you again. Thanks!

  2. Glad to see you're back! Sorry you're having such a rough time, but bravo for helping the teenager. I've always told my nephew (whose dad is a bit of a moron) "not everyone is meant to be a parent."

    When I'm overwhelmed I take a day to watch shows that lower my stress level and they are usually all on HGTV or The Food Network! I also find that I eat a bunch of stuff I normally wouldn't and give myself a 24 hour mourning period. It generally works.

    Congrats on your daughter graduating, your HGTV Shout Out, new sandals and purse! Hope this finds you well!!

    Tina :-)

    1. Hey Tina, Thanks for the encouraging words. You're very right, there are a lot of people who shouldn't be parents. To lower my stress I stepped away from blogging so I would have one less thing to do but I missed it so I'm back. Hope you're doing well.


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