Powder Room - Thirty Dollars Update

Did you ever start a project that took forever to finish?  Well my powder room was that project for me.  I started the room, way, way back when here.  I was dying for brown room but I after I painted it, I didn't love it but I kept it for at least a year thinking it would grow on me and it didn't. 

 After living with it for over a year, I still wasn't happy (the dang thing refused to grow on me). While I shopping in Walmart, I bought a gallon of discontinued paint for $4 (Can you believe that price?) and immediately I thought of my powder room.  Yes, a plan was forming.

After painting, I loved the color but I felt it was missing something so tada, I thought why not use the stencil I used in the guest bedroom.  Stenciling the wall in the bedroom was easy compared to stenciling the bathroom.  I did a lot #^%$@# when I got to the corners and behind the toilet.  After three days (I took a lot of breaks), I was finally done and it's so worth it and the best part is I only spent $30 for the drastic change. Yes, $30, I love a good bargain.

Cost breakdown
Paint $4
Frames - $11 (I bought them at Michaels for $2.50 a piece when they had the $5 coupon)
Stencil - Free
Gold Paint Martha Stewart - $6
Shade - $8 - Target
Art Work - Free (made by me)

Doesn't my fake flowers look good? #Don'tjudgeme

 Loving my free artwork and my $2.50 Michael frames

Now this makes me happy so much better than the brown, what do you think?

Linking up to:
A Bowl full of Lemons
My Uncommon Slice Suburbia
Addicted 2 Decorating 
I Heart Nap Time 
Thrifty Decor Chick
My entry into Show Me Extraordinary sponsored by Appliances Online and Bosch Washing Machines.


  1. Oh my, you did it again. This powder room is sooo lovely and sweet. Looks very English. I'm stealing your artwork ideas, btw!!

    1. Thanks Topaz, I was worried it might be a little too much but I figured hey it's a powder room, it can be a little bit over the top. The "free" artwork turned out well, I was going to buy some prints from Etsy and then figured I'll try to make them myself.

  2. I really love the new look. How did you get a free stencil? This gives me some ideas. We have a small 1/2 bath in our house that I painted brown. I hate it. I want to stencil now. haha


    1. Hi Erin, I say "free" but I purchased it last year for my guest room and I was going to throw it away because cleaning the stencil is no joke. I'm happy I cleaned it off and kept it because I was able to reuse it for "free". :)
      I feel so much better when the brown was repainted, I can't wait to your transformation.

  3. Looks wonderful! Pure inspiration.

  4. Looks really beautiful! I would love to try to stencil but I may wallpaper instead.. Great job!

  5. Wow the after is beautiful and looks very fresh! Great art very creative. I am sure you are loving your new update.

  6. Beautiful! What a great job. I love the gold on the blue. I stenciled my powder room too and I love it.

    I'm a new follower through GFC and I hope you'll follow me back!

  7. Just found your blog while on HGTV's Rate My Space and I LOVE it! Just joined your site and am now obsessively perusing your fabulous blog!

    Tina :-)

    1. Hi Tina, Thanks for visiting, welcome to my blog, feel free to poke around.

    2. Thanks Michelle!

      I'm inspired! You're very talented & I love that you're so creative that you can do it all in a very thrifty manner! LOVE!

  8. It is so much brighter and lighter. I also have a dreaded brown bathroom and I think I agree with you.. it may be time for it to go.

  9. Love the wall color, the stencil pattern and your hand made artwork. I'm looking foward to seeing more of your creativity and style as a new Linky Follower.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  10. oops, I meant RSS feed/ google reader....not Linky Follower.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  11. Wow, what a great transformation! It's like a little jewellery box inside. I'd love for you to stop by Etcetorize to share, the party is still going on here: http://etcetorize.blogspot.com/2012/03/make-it-great-monday_11.html . Hope to see you there~

  12. So beautiful! Your stenciled walls look like high end wall paper. So chic!

  13. Great makeover, Michelle! I'm so impressed that you were able to do so much with the budget you set. You are truly amazing!

    1. Thanks Brandi, I didn't want to spend any money since that's not a well used bathroom. I'm so happy with the way it turned out.

  14. Beautiful transformation, and a great price.

  15. Michelle, the stencil looks amazing! I love the gold against the wall color!

  16. This bathroom looks amazing-the colors and stencil are divine-following you from TDC-stop on over for a visit!

  17. LOVE IT. I have been procrastinating on doing my stencil wall---it's so scary, and I have been afraid that it may take me hours! But, I think you have given me a little bit more of a push to jump in!

    1. Ebony, jump right in, the hardest part is getting started.

  18. Hi, I am pretty hopeless at paint and decoration but your blog inspired me to give it a try. All your rooms are beautiful. Can you tell me what paint colors you used for the bath?

  19. What Martha Stewart gold did you use? Hope you are still answering comments. :)

  20. What Martha Stewart gold did you use?

    1. Trish, not sure if you still need the information but I used the color Golden Pearl

  21. I want the before and after picture ♥


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