Great cure for a windowless room

Happy Monday! This Monday began as most mornings do other than the fact that I contracted pink eye. @#$#%$ seriously? So no going into the office for me for at least three days but since I have my work laptop, no rest for the weary. Since I'm hanging out in my room with the shades down I remembered that I wanted to do a post on a windowless room. If you have a basement, you probably have a room that has no windows and while lighting or a feature wall such as a brick wall can make the wall interesting it still doesn't make up for the lack of windows.

I was browsing in Bloomies the other day and saw this mock of a room and loved it.
Wouldn't this be a great wall treatment for a basement room?

With the curtains on the side doesn't it look like real windows?


  1. Hi. This is indeed a beautiful look. Are these actually mirrors and they reflect the existing wall opposite it?

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