Home Tour - Dining Room

My dining room is the least used room in my house.

It's really sad especially since it was a must have when I was looking for a home. Now I know it's really not a must have, but should have been a maybe. I just knew that every Sunday I would dress it up and have beautiful dinners. Ha, Ha, Ha, well that didn't happen. Oh well you live and you learn.

I've lived in my house for two years and only used the poor room two times after I purchased my eat-in kitchen furniture two months after I moved in. We then dropped the dining room like a hot potato and we're now happily eating all our meals in the kitchen. The problem is when I used to walk through the dining room, I always felt as if I was short changing the dining room plus it was a storage room for my lights for two years. Every time someone new came to visit or to work on something in my house they would always ask me if just moved in.

Now that all of my lights have been installed (I've never been happier to turn on my lights, I’m sure the electric company is happy) the room looked bigger and empty and started screaming "HELP ME". So during our "NO SNOW" snowstorm in GA, I decided to finally work on the room and although a room is never really finished I do like the way it looks so far. Makes me want to throw a dinner party.

The absolutely best part is that the room only cost me less than $700.

What you do think?

Room Breakdown

Wall words - Target - $15

Table - Raymour and Flanigan Clearance Store - $80

Parson Chairs - American Signature Furniture - $120

Chair Covers - $40- Linen and Things (very sad that they bit the dust)

Curtains - $120 - Linen and Things

Orchid - Home Goods - $40

Chandelier - Overstock - $150

Mirror - Home Goods - $80

Lanterns - Ikea - $15

Below is the way the room looked when I moved in the house. I think it's a good change, don't you?


  1. Oh my,that is stunning. You have beautiful taste. I have a lowly unused dining room too. Wanna come fix it for me?

  2. Absolutely fantastic! I love the new look. Love the wall color (my favorite color) and the wall words. That chandelier is gorgeous It's all good!

  3. Beautiful!

    We never ate in our dining room either until I traded out the kitchen table and chairs for an island. Now it is the only place we eat.

  4. What a beautiful room! I love the whole design!
    Dee Dee

  5. Hi,
    I just found you at BNOTP and I really like your blog. I am your newest follower.

  6. All, Thanks for your lovely comments.

  7. O MY LORD !.....this is MAGNIFICENT. This is one of the prettiest dining rooms I've ever seen. I am totally in love with it and now....I want to go RIP my dining room apart and START ALL OVER...You did a stunning job.
    xo bj

  8. I would love to follow you but I can't find a place to link up ??

  9. Bj,the blogger toolbar at the top of the blog should have a follow button.

  10. Bj, let me know if don't see it.


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