Painting Laminate Countertops and Thermafoil Cabinets

I currently live in Laminate World. My kitchen countertops are laminate and all the cabinets in the house are Thermfoil. I've wrestled with replacing the countertops with a granite slab but it bothers me to add $4K worth of the stone on pressed wood cabinets worth around $800. I also researched painting the cabinets and it seems that Thermfoil/Laminate cabinets is not paintable except to completely peel the laminate off the mdf door and then paint the mdf door. I really didn't like that option either since I'm an beginner DIYer, I didn't want damage the doors, so I gave up the painting idea and decided to live with my discolored white cabinets. It seemed that Rust-Oleum heard my prayers and created a product especially for laminate... Yippee!!!!!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to use to product on my countertops and my cabinets. Check out the link.


  1. Have you painted your cabinets or coutertops, yet? I just spent the weekend doing both in my main bathroom and I'm thrilled with the results! Like you, I'm new to the world of home design and DIY projects. I practiced my painting techniques on a laminate filing cabinet I purchased for $5 at a garage sale. I figured I could try some different techniques and at most I'd be out the five bucks and the cost of paint. I left the drawer fronts alone with the exception of replacing the knobs and the cabinet is painted black. Again - the results are great! The most time consuming part of the project was taping things off and clean-up because I'm not a very neat painter! :-) I'm in the process of installing a new faucet (a story in itself), cabinetry hardware, and towel racks, etc. I'll send a picture once I'm finished. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture of the bathroom prior to painting it, but trust me - it was ugly, ugly, ugly! Lynette

  2. Hi Lynette, Thanks so much for checking out my blog. Sorry for not responding sooner I had some computer issues. I haven't painted my countertops yet, I'm planning to do it this summer, I'm just stuck on what color to use. I can't wait to see your photos of your finished products.

  3. Thank you for posting such a useful, impressive and a wicked article./Wow.. looking good!
    kitchen laminate


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