Luxe for Less - Ghost Chair

Louis Ghost chairs have become stylish iconic pieces. They're very versatile so they're used outside in elegant affairs, in living rooms, dining rooms and anywhere a little style is needed.

The Louis Ghost Chair is sturdy and durable but virtually disappears in a room leaving a trace of elegance appearance.
The only draw back for me is the price. Ouch, I know it's stylish but it plastic people. Come on!
I did a search on the Internet and found this comparable chair at Overstock and the price for two chairs is 25% less than one. Happy shopping!

Kartell - Louis Ghost Chair - $410

Clear Acrylic Arm Chairs (Set of 2) "Clear Acrylic Arm Chairs" - $329.99

1 comment:

  1. i found this same pair of chairs from as well. I'm getting them to go in our family room, one on each side of the fireplace and then i will get two nice graphic pillows to sit on them.


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