A Taste of Something New

It's surprising to see how my decor taste have changed over the years. Unfortunately I don't have a magic wand to replace everything when that happens, so I have to work on one room at a time.
My family room is definitely on my list to revamp, it currently looks like this:

The sofa was a custom piece and I learned a hard lesson on that purchase, do not buy an investment piece of furniture that's not a neutral.  Since, the sofa is an eight way hand tied piece, I want to keep the sofa but I'm going to have to slipcover it so that it can work with my new decor.  (Full disclosure, I can't claim the swag nor the blinds, those were hand me downs from the last owners.)

 I think a paint job, removing the armoire, drapes, vertical blinds and adding some new accent furniture will give me the look I want.  After all the changes I hope to have a family room that feels as airy as the one below.

Do you have a piece of furniture that you purchased a while back, that you wouldn't buy today?


  1. I think we ALL have pieces of furniture like that. Mine is a leather sofa with recliners on either end. It's actually a really good-looking sofa, and very comfortable, but it was my first piece of leather furniture and I wasn't prepared for how badly it would stain nor how expensive to clean. :(

  2. Deb, I so understand about leather, it's beautiful but costly to maintain.


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