Home Tour - Guest Room

I'm finally getting around to completing all my half finished projects around the house, and trust me I have quite a few of them.  I'm going to try tackling a project each month.  We'll see how that goes. 

This past weekend I worked on my guest room and I think I'm finally done until my Design ADD kicks in again.

Here's a shot of the room before, in all of it's purple glory.

Here's the guest room now.

I know the imperial trellis pattern is "supposed" to be last season but I still love it, plus this pillow came from Target and only cost $10.  Can't beat the price and the shot of blue has a huge impact in the room.

The wall color is sauteed mushroom

I purchased the stencil months ago and was dragging my feet because I thought it was going to be a lot of work but it only took around 4 hours for the wall.  I used a roller and it was fairly easy except for last row since I had to bend the stencil. 

The paint for the stencil pattern was a metallic paint from Martha Stewart and the mirror was purchased from Home Goods.

 Every guest room needs a chair and this chair doesn't overwhelm the room, plus I'm a sucker for nail head trim.

I purchased this capiz shell chandelier from Target when they had their last global bazaar event, it was on clearance for $25.  This was definitely an awesome buy.  I do miss Target's global design event, I wonder if they'll bring it back.
Well that was the room in all it's glory, one project down, countless to go......


  1. Just beauiful! Love the wall color and stencil!

  2. Hi Michelle! This is a great application of our Moorish Trellis stencil. I love the color choices, and your right, the shot of blue really adds some punch. Good job!! I'm posting a link on our FB page! :)

  3. Beautiful room, what a transformation. Love that Moorish stencil. I did a ceiling with it last year.

  4. Looks beautiful! I used this stencil as well but in my foyer. I love it!

  5. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this room! I've been wanting a wall exactly like this but didn't want to tackle a "wallpaper" project....never heard of stenciling but I am def. looking into it. No idea how to stencil but willing to learn....Love everything about this room!!!! Oh, how I wish I could hire you :-) Fab job!!!!

  6. Do you know what the name of the color of the metallic paint you used for the stenciling? You have a new follower in me:-)


  7. Fantastic makeover. what a huge change. so dramatic and elegant. mad shopping skills too!

  8. Hi Guys, Thanks for all your kind comments. @Lisa, I loved your hallway, it looks fabulous and I can't wait to see the bedroom finished, I'm loving the stenciled wall. @Roni, if I can stencil, you can do it too, I was fairly easy. The metallic color is Tin from Martha Stewart, good luck.

  9. Hi there, i had to tell u how much i love ur guest room makeover. I found u on Rate My space..........I sight i hardly visit lately. Hope ule stop by for a visit sometime....Bonnie

  10. What a great stenciling project.
    I have see your space before and thought you did an excellent job.
    Will certainly be a new follower to see many more projects from you.

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  11. Michelle...you really rocked it here....so pulled together with style!

  12. Love it Michelle! Anyone would dream of being a guest here.

  13. Great job! Do you mind sharing where you got the mirror??

  14. What a beautiful bedroom done on a budget! I love that mirror! I found your blog through Better After, and I can't wait to become a follower!

  15. Absolutely beautiful transformation! Love your wall stencil, the mirror, the chandelier, everything.

  16. Gorgeous! Every single inch of the room is perfect! wow! I don't care if the stencil is last season, I want one too!

  17. I love this room! I just painted stripes in my bedroom thinking a stencil would take too long and now you've made me rethink the whole thing! I think the stripes took me longer than 4 hours anyway! Great blog - I'm your newest follower. :)

  18. Hi! Popping over from Better After. This post alone is definitely worth Following you! I am drooling.....

  19. So gorgeous! I'm happy that Better After linked up to your blog -- I love it!

  20. Wow! I am not typically a yellow fan, but this butter yellow is scrumptious. Your photos stopped me in my tracks! Lovely! New follower, btw.

    (P.S. Check out my recent blog post on Word Verification to have your comments increase!)

  21. Wowza!!! I am in awe. Here from better after.

  22. Just discovered your blog and I love it!
    This room transformation is amazing!
    Have a pretty day!

  23. Welcome to all my new readers who popped over from Better After, Thanks for all your great comments. Amanda, I purchased the mirror from HomeGoods about two years ago. It's been moving from to room to room but I think it's finally found a permanent home.

  24. Beautiful job! Looks like it could fit right in a magazine!



  25. Love the room!

  26. Just saw this on Better After and had to come over for more pictures! Wow, that is just so beautiful. I love the metallic paint you used. And hey, if you love the trellis pattern that is all that matters right? I love it too!

  27. Love the wall treatment and light fixture. Found you at better after. Great work!!

  28. Hey great job on the room, I may try stenciling seeing how beautiful yours looks, by the way do you mind letting me know where you got the drapes from in the room, thanks

  29. Michelle, I just came across your guest room and your blog from Pinterest, and I love your home! I was looking through some of your pictures from your home tour and would love to add a couple of them to the paint and room galleries on my site (www.involvingcolor.com) and include you in a feature blog post. You wouldn't have to do a thing, just let me know if you're interested! Do you know the paint colors in your living room and dining room? They are great colors!

  30. I came across your blog after googling moorish trellis stencil.... I am about to do the same thing to my bedroom.... I love what you did here. I too am using ms tin metallic but with a heather goose down color as the base. My question is what did you use to adhere the stencil to the wall while working, and what type of roller did you use? Beautiful job!

  31. Hi Janice, for visiting my blog. For the roller I used a small sponge roller and just regular blue painters tape to adhere the stencil to the wall. Just take your time. Good luck.

  32. I love the stencil behind the bed. It totally makes the rest of the room pop. I plan to do that in our master bedroom. And the pillow from Target? Yes. I love that store.

  33. Love it!! Where did you get the table lamps please?


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