I Heart HomeGoods

I love HomeGoods, at least once a week I run in to take a look at the goodies they have.  You never know what you will find and the prices are inexpensive.  I was walking through the aisles today and loved the mirrors currently being sold.  You know I love a good mirror and even though they were calling me, I walked away, because I really don't need  another mirror. :(  It broke my heart.  Anyway if have a HomeGoods close to you, stop by and pick up a mirror.


  1. Those mirrors are gorgeous! I have to keep myself away from Home Goods when I know I don't have any money to spend!!!! I have yet to walk in to that store and then walk out with nothing!!! And the double whammie is that it's right next to a Michaels!!!!! Yeah, definitely have to keep myself away from wandering in to browse! :)

  2. I wish there was a home Goods around me! I am giving you a Stylish Blog Award! Check it out on my blog and save the pic. Then follow the instructions! God bless!

  3. i love that store too! haven't been in awhile and i will definitely have to take a look.


  4. @AGohl aren't they fabulous? It's so hard to resist HomeGoods especially since you know that whatever you like might not be there the next day if you leave it behind. @Jessica, Thanks so much for the award. Wow I feel special. @Jen, they are also having a huge lamp sale and lamps are really gorgeous. Have fun shopping!

  5. I have 2 tell u, I just found Home Goods. They r 80 miles away. Needless 2 say, I have been there three times so far in 3 months I am truly in need of a 12 step program.Your home is very elegant & I am redecorating my home in the hopes that it will look elegant 2. I am a "wanna be decorator" which makes me more "dangerous" than a full on decorator.lol. Thanx for a gr8 blog...Jenny

  6. Jenny, Thanks for stopping by my blog. OMG 80 miles is a long way to go to HomeGoods but it's so worth it. I try to stop by "stalk" them at least one a week since the inventory changes so much. I'm also a "wanna be decorator" too :).


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