To all the folks in the blogland, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  I wish everyone a great and prosperous 2011.

My sister who lives in Jamaica, emailed me to tell me that the HGTV featured my living room here.
I hightailed over to HGTV.com to see the featured article and I was giddy with excitement to see that my room (photo 4) was in the same article as Sarah Richardson's work.  OMG!!!  My daughter & I had a victory dance to celebrate.

I love love love Sarah's work so this really made my day, week, month and heck maybe year.
Emily Henderson, the new design star was also featured in the same article.


  1. Congratulations...This is sooo very awesome to be featured on HGTV! I absolutely love your living room AND your dining room too {dont be surprised if it gets featured also, its just that fabulous}.

  2. Oh Michelle,

    You soooo deserve the recognition, and you've been so helpful to me!!! Again, congrats!!!



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