Old Houses

Hi, it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks and I've been very busy.  To top it off I had to ship my laptop to be fixed so no blogging for me.  I've attended my nephew's high school graduation (it's amazing how time flies, it felt like I was just watching him take his first steps yesterday).  I've driven 2500 miles through 9 states in the past two weeks. I now need a vacation from my vacation.

One of my stops was Poughkeepsie, NY located in the lower Hudson Valley.  They have amazing homes and a lot of them are over 100 years old.  Are you drawn to a older home or new construction?
Here are some of the homes I liked, do you like any of the ones below?


  1. I LOVE old houses, they have so much character. My home was built in 1955, mature landscape so a lot of yard work :-), but I wouldn't give it up for one of those cookie cutter houses for nothing.

  2. Tonia, I'm sure your house has a lot of character since it was built in the 1955. They just don't make them like that anymore. I'm trying to embrace yardwork but I really hate bugs :)


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