Luxe for Less - Custom Sofas

Buying a custom sofa is normally an expensive purchase but it's always worth it.  Not only can you get the sofa you want, the fabric selections are endless.  Now you can purchase a custom sofa for really inexpensive price from Custom Sofa Design.  They also design custom beds too.  Here's a sample of the pieces that they create.

Doesn't this Perla Sofa look comfy and with a starting price of $699 it won't break the bank.

This Xanadu Bed is not only funky it's also very contemporary.

I love a tufted sofa, and the Metropole Sofa definitely delivers. 

Who wouldn't want a custom sofa in their house?


  1. I recently heard of this company and wondered if they are the real thing...The prices are amazing and the designs beautiful. Let me know if you decide to purchase something!

    BTW, thanks for stopping by. Hope to see more of you, too!

  2. Aren't the prices great? I probably wouldn't purchase anything from them since I have a Direct Buy membership and I so need to take advantage of my membership.


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